Zocteam Meeting Minutes - December 27, 2018

Table of Contents

December 27, 2018
2100-2230 UTC
Discord voice conference

Meeting called by: deadthings
Facilitator: deadthings
Timekeeper: deadthings
Note taker: deadthings
Type of meeting: Coordination
Attendees: OwenRay, deadthings, cmelx, Evydder
Absent: MadStu, lethax


Agenda Item: Utilizing keybase.io for team communications

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Cmelx has established a keybase.io team account for the zocteam executive to use
  • It is a “social media” service capable of secure, encrypted communications
  • Considered optimal for secure file sharing as well as shared logins and passwords for 01coin-related accounts

Action Items:

  • Setup team; Responsibility: cmelx; Deadline: Done
  • Join team on keybase.io; Responsibility: Rest of zocteam; Deadline: January

Agenda Item: Mini-binary for cold node MNs

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Probably maximized now in terms of resource usage
  • Will take 3-4 more weeks of testing to gauge actual resource savings
  • Optimization removed functionality for InstantSend or PrivateSend participation of masternodes using the mini-binary, but it is still able to participate in consensus
  • Current build uses, on average, 16% less RAM per wallet

Action Items:

  • Continued testing of current mini-binary build; Responsibility: cmelx & Evydder; Deadline: January
  • Release of final mini-binary build; Responsibility: cmelx; Deadline: Jan-Feb

Agenda Item: Website

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Website almost done; has already been proofread and reviewed
  • OwenRay will have some time to work on it during the tail half of the Christmas vacation
  • Need to find a knowledge base (KB) module that integrates well with the website and has the necessary functionality

Action Items:

  • Research and suggest KB module candidates; Responsibility: deadthings; Deadline: December
  • Finish working on website; Responsibility: OwenRay; Deadline: Dec-Jan
  • Launch new website at 01coin.io with unpopulated KB; Responsibility: OwenRay; Deadline: January
  • Populate KB with relevant material; Responsibility: deadthings; Deadline: Jan-ongoing

Agenda Item: Whitepaper

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Whitepaper almost done; has already been proofread and reviewed
  • Needs additional section detailing how we will build the governance solution we have proposed
  • Those details are somewhat up in the air at the moment until the codebase (i.e., the next Dash release) is finalized

Action Items:

  • Write final whitepaper section; Responsibility: OwenRay; Deadline: Jan-Feb
  • Review, approve and release whitepaper; Responsibility: zocteam; Deadline: February

Agenda Item: 01VPS.net

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Functional, but needs a lot of work in terms of sustainability/profitability
  • Still need some details from MadStu in terms of Hetzner server login info, domain and hosting
  • Currently operating at a deficit; not currently optimized in terms of server utilization; not currently offering a quality user experience in terms of server performance
  • To improve user experience, will experiment with both RAM-based caching and SSD-based caching on a couple of servers
  • To improve server utilization, will rejig plans to offer more resources per plan and offer more plan slots per server
  • To improve profitability, will rejig plan prices that retains the entry-level €1 plan but also includes price increases across the board (in exchange for more/better resource allocations)
  • Deadthings and cmelx to assume leadership in 01VPS.net administration to make sure Evydder can focus on 01MN.net and OwenRay can focus on core development
  • Future participation of MadStu in 01VPS.net is hoped for, but unknown at this point
  • Kakari should be included in the 01VPS.net integration process to help figure out the business end of things including business entity type, financial management, taxes and planning

Action Items:

  • Migrate 1 server to an SSD-cached server & assess performance; Responsibility: deadthings & cmelx; Deadline: January
  • Add RAM caching service to 1 server & assess performance; Responsibility: deadthings & cmelx; Deadline: January
  • Integrate IPv6 into 01VPS.net plans; Responsibility: deadthings & cmelx; Deadline: January
  • Redesign VPS plans to improve optimization & profitability; Responsibility: deadthings & cmelx; Deadline: Jan-Feb
  • Assess business model and taxes for 01VPS.net; Responsibility: deadthings & kakari; Deadline: Jan-Feb

Agenda Item: 01MN.net

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Profitable/sustainable but needs a lot of work in terms of functionality
  • Whereas 01VPS.net has been integrated into the project and is now under the control of the zocteam, 01MN.net remains individually owned and operated by Evydder
  • zocteam is aware that the performance of 01MN.net reflects on the project as a whole and wants to provide assistance
  • For security reasons, 01MN.net allows admin access to only one IP address
  • In lieu of expanding the list of IP addresses with admin access, Evydder will design and build a 01MN.net GUI-based admin portal so other zocteam members can assist in answering user questions and resolving common / simple user problems

Action Items:

  • Build 01MN.net admin portal; Responsibility: Evydder; Deadline: January
  • Assign zocteam personnel resources to staffing 01MN.net; Responsibility: deadthings; Deadline: January

Other Information

Observers: None
Special notes: All of the zocteam members who attended this meeting already have a full slate of work and expectations placed upon them in terms of their contributions to the project. The unexpected addition of 01VPS.net to this workload is significant and somewhat problematic at this time, given that multiple aspects of the project are beginning to come to fruition. The purpose of this meeting was to figure out a) whether or not 01VPS.net would continue to be a viable concern going forward, b) who would take responsibility for 01VPS.net administration and in what capacity, and c) what project elements continue to take precedence over the integration of 01VPS.net.

It is thus decided that, in the immediate term at least, OwenRay will continue to focus on core development including the website, whitepaper and building of 01coin’s custom governance solution. Evydder will continue to focus on improving the functionality of 01MN.net. Now that cmelx has finished building the mini-binary for cold node MNs (pending further testing), he and deadthings will focus on 01VPS.net optimization. It is hoped that MadStu will rejoin the team soon to assist with 01VPS.net transitioning. Lethax remains on military leave for an unknown period of time and his contribution cannot be estimated at present.

Last updated on 16th Jan 2021